In our youth, facial features are defined and well contoured. This is commonly described as the triangle of youth. As we age, we start to see natural volume loss in our cheek area. Proteins like collagen which provide structure to the skin begin to breakdown, and soft tissues (like fat-pads) deflate and fall due to gravity. Your skin starts to sag and droop downward and all of this contributes the appearance of changes in your facial bones. This causes the triangle of youth to invert making the face appear older.
Hollow cheeks can also be the result of increased weight loss, which initially usually shows in the face as volume loss. Chronic illness may also cause the look of sunken cheeks, giving skin the appearance of fatigue and dullness.
If your cheeks have experienced an undesirable loss of volume, you have several top-of-the-line skin rejuvenation options from our Board-Certified estheticians at Central Wellness. We’d love to invite you in for a free consultation so we can plan your next steps together.
The best time to address your concerns is now! Call 406.869.1066 or book your consultation online. Our team of skilled professionals is committed to providing personalized solutions to help you achieve the results you are looking for.