Most women don’t know that they’re dealing with permanent hair loss until significant changes have occurred. Are you worried you can no longer stop your hair loss problem? Hair restoration treatments can help you reverse the visible signs of hair loss, boost your existing hair, and increase your new hair’s density.
We offer excellent hair regeneration treatments to meet your hair regrowth needs at Central Wellness. We don’t always know what causes hair loss. Sometimes it’s due to a fungal infection, stress, hair pulling, or hormonal imbalances. Hair loss isn’t a rare condition by any means. In the United States, over 30 million and 20 million men and women suffer from hair loss, respectively.
Hair restoration is a broad term that refers to any treatment that stops or reverses hair loss. The goal of the treatment is to restore the presence of healthy, full hair on the scalp. Non-surgical treatments, such as what we offer, are highly effective options for reversing hair loss. They’re also not painful and simple to manage at home.
Many people confuse normal hair shedding with hair loss, but there is a significant distinction between them. Normal hair shedding refers to the amount of hair you lose on a daily basis as a result of washing and brushing your hair. Hair shedding can range from 50 to 100 strands per day. Hair that falls out due to normal shedding will regrow on its own.
Some people naturally experience more hair shedding in the late summer and early fall. On the other hand, hair loss is the inability to grow new hair due to a permanent reduction in functional hair follicles. Thinning hair and less hair density on the scalp are the most common signs of hair loss, which is usually concentrated in one area. Many people, for example, lose hair at the hairline or on the crown of the head.
Hair loss is a persistent issue that many people face. According to some studies, over half of men in middle age will develop the issue. A significant percentage of women will encounter hair loss as well. Nevertheless, many people, particularly men, can start losing their hair as early as their mid-twenties.
So, what causes hair loss? Genetics and hormones play a role. First, your genes determine the speed and longevity of your hair growth cycles. It is the reason why many people will notice that hair loss runs in families. Genes also affect how thick your hair is. Second, hair loss is caused by hormonal deficiencies and imbalances brought on by middle age.
Prescription medications
PRF treatments
HydraFacial scalp therapy
The growth factors found will be extracted and used to induce hair growth on the scalp. The solution is applied to the scalp in various ways, including injections across multiple treatment areas to encourage hair growth. The treatment works best when conducted through injections.
Hair loss does not have to be permanent, and you now have a plethora of options in addition to shampoos and conditioners. Hair restoration treatments can range from tablets to topical foams, making hair regrowth simple and possible.
The best time to improve your wellness is now! Call 406.869.1066 or book your consultation online. Our experienced and friendly staff are waiting to help you reach your goals!