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New Year; New Goals

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new year new goals. tips for staying motivated to reach your goals in the new year

Tips for staying motivated in the New Year

Have you set health and wellness goals for New Year? We’d love to help you keep the momentum going, and stay motivated to reach those goals year-round. We’ve asked one of our providers, what keeps her motivated to reach her goals, and if she has any tips for others. Here’s what she had to say:

Understand Your Goal

“The first step I take to stay motivated is taking the time to understand why I set that goal. What is the purpose of the goal and why I am trying to reach it? This will help me stay motivated by providing a better understanding, and reminding me to make sure that my goals are reasonable and attainable.”

Make A Plan

“Next, I make a plan for reaching my goal. I figure out a vision on how I will accomplish this goal and break it down into steps on how I plan to reach it.”

Have you taken the time to write down your goals and a plan for reaching them? Surveys have shown that only 3% of the population that had set goals had written those goals down. Research also shows that you are 42% more likely to achieve your goals if they are written down. Some people like to journal, while others like to have a “vision board’ hung up to see every day – whatever your preference is, try writing your goals down!

Stay Positive

“Making sure to always keep positive thoughts. Positive thoughts lead to positive actions.”

A large portion of people who set New Year’s Resolutions will break them by the 17th of January. We’re almost finished with the first week of 2023, and we want to encourage you to keep a positive attitude while trying to reach your goals for this year! Remember that a set-back is not a complete failure, and that you can always get back up and continuing to try your best. 

Mindset is everything. Remember to encourage yourself (even if you have a setback), motivate yourself, have gratitude, surround yourself with like-minded people who are positive as well, and remember to enjoy the process of reaching your goals. 

Reward Yourself

“I always make a deadline for a goal. Setting a time limit helps me stay on track and not get distracted. Once the goal is achieved, I reward myself.”

When you reward yourself either when you reach your main goal, or as you reach small goals along the way, you increase your dopamine levels and the communication between dopamine and your brain gives you a surge of pleasure. This will naturally increase your motivation and productivity, making you more likely to want to continue working toward your goals. Small rewards can be focused around whatever works best for you – money added to a jar that can be spent on something fun once your main goal is reached, going out for a meal, going out with friends, buying a new piece of clothing or a new book. 

Goals can be easy or hard to reach, but if you keep a positive mindset, it will help you make the choices that will lead to an accomplishment. We hope you feel encouraged to not only set new health goals this year, but to also reach those goals with a positive attitude throughout the process, and the knowledge of these tools to help you be more likely to follow through.

Sometimes, we don’t even know where to start when we are trying to set health goals for ourselves. If you are interested in meeting with one of our providers to screen your hormone levels, help set weight loss or body sculpting goals, or consult about a different wellness goal you may have, we’d love to chat with you.

Interested in learning more from our experts? Book your FREE consultation today or call 406.869.1066!