Lift & Tighten with Ultherapy

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How can Ultherapy help rejuvenate your skin? It’s no secret that many men and women prioritize maintaining or rejuvenating a youthful look – this almost always involves treating the skin. While the goal to look younger longer is not a new idea, many people today are opting for non-surgical forms of skin tightening, as opposed to the surgical options that have been around for over a hundred years.

What is Collagen?

Collagen accounts for about 30% of the skin’s total protein, making it the most abundant protein in the body. This protein is found in our organs, blood vessels, intestinal lining, muscles, bones, tendons, and ligaments, and is referred to as the primary building block of skin according to Cleveland Clinic. Collagen’s primary function in skin is to provide structure, strength, and support. This protein is what gives our skin elasticity – providing a youthful, firm look. Unfortunately, one of the many bodily functions that slows in the aging process is the production of collagen. As we age, collagen begins to break down, resulting in the loss of skin strength and elasticity.

What is Ultherapy?

Ultherapy is one of the groundbreaking, non-invasive, non-surgical treatment options that Central Wellness offers to help restore a youthful look by tightening the skin and boosting collagen production. This technology uses micro-focused ultrasound with visualization to non-invasively treat the deep tissue in the face – the same deep tissue that would be targeted by a modern facelift.

ultherapy procedure

How it works:

Ultherapy technology bypasses the surface of the skin and targets dermal and sub-dermal tissues precisely, similar to a magnifying glass focusing light in a precise location. This process allows the technology to target skin at a precise depth with a controlled temperature that only reaches the targeted site. The targeted tissue is heated to approximately 149°F, triggering the body’s natural healing response of producing collagen, and resulting in a natural-looking lift of the skin. This treatment is perfect for the face, neck, and chest. 

The results of Ultherapy?

The incredible aspect of Ultherapy is that it builds over time. The initial treatment will have some effects, but the real results won’t be seen until 2-3 months post-treatment. The benefits of the procedure such as increased collagen continue to grow within the body for up to 6 months after the procedure.

As we continue to age, you’ll need to come back in for Ultherapy every year or so to maintain the tight beautiful youthful skin you get from the treatment. So many clients love Ultherapy because it gradually improves and creates tighter, more youthful-looking skin with less sagging. It’s perfect for men and women who don’t want an obvious or dramatic change all at once or are hesitant about getting surgery such as a facelift but who want to see tighter skin on their faces, necks, and chests.

ultherapy closeup

It’s no wonder that many aesthetic physicians have deemed Ultherapy a “key foundation of aesthetic treatments and the gold standard for nonsurgical lifting and skin tightening”. If you are interested in discussing this non-invasive, non-surgical skin-tightening treatment option with one of our skincare experts, book a complimentary consultation today! Your skin will be assessed by a provider, and you can discuss your aesthetic goals to determine what the best treatment plan is for you.


  • Pregnant, or trying to become pregnant
  • Breast feeding
  • Recent Botox injections in the last 2 weeks
  • Recent dermal filler injections in the past 3-6 months
  • Accutane use in the last 12 months
  • Open sores/wounds in the treatment area
  • Metal/implantable devices in the treatment area
  • Retinol use in the last 7 days

Interested in learning more from our experts? Book your FREE consultation today or call 406.869.1066!